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Membership Request

Member Countries

Membership Application

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Full Name*
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National Member
These are in first place public welding institutes or other associations involved in the proportion and implementation of human capacity programs in welding and related fields of practice. These corporates shall be formally recognized by legal requirements as existing, functional and engaged in promotion of welding affairs within a country.
Regular Member
These can be any of public or private institutes involved in the proportion and implementation of human capacity programs in welding and related fields of practice. These corporates shall be formally recognized by legal requirements as existing, functional and engaged in promotion of welding affairs within a country.
Associate Member
Associate members are not necessarily fabrication bodies or training institutes but involved in activities complementary to the growth of the welding industry. This could include sales, services or related activities.
Direct members of individual to TWF is open exclusively to persons with a distinguished track record in the field of welding either in the academia or industry and desirous of belonging to a body of experts and contributing to the development of welding in Africa. Experts Network shall be willing to volunteer as Mentors to Future Experts in the field of welding technology. Experts are not necessarily required to belong to any body or organization, but have an enviable track record in the field of welding and materials manufacturing. Experts shall have a minimum of 20years experience in welding.
Member Countries
Years Experience
Continental Credibility

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