The East African Institute of Welding is a leader in competence based welder training in the East Africa region to globally certified standards. In partnership with Nexus Quality, the official African partner for Quality Control Co., the EA Institute of welding facilitates training and certification programs for Inspections and Quality control, with diversified activities such as NDT, specialized NDT, Welding Inspection, Painting inspection, quality control training and certification programs.
Quality Control Co. is an Agent and Authorized Examination Center of American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT), American Welding Society (AWS), American Petroleum Institute (API), and The Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) training and certification programs.
We offer a variety of training and certification programs to enhance personnel skills, qualifications and to support employers/companies reaching high levels of certified/qualified personnel as per current business requirements.
Our training programs are developed specially to improve performance, this helps our clients to increase their quality and market share. We offer 3 most highly requested Quality Assurance and Quality Control professional trainings:
ASNT NDT Certification
- NDT Level I : MT, PT, VT, RT, ET, UT, IR … (Available)
- NDT Level II:(Employer based) MT, PT, VT, RT, ET, UT, IR …(Available)
- NDT Level III (Employer based) : MT, PT, VT, RT, ET, UT, IR
- ASNT Level II (ASNT Certification): MT, PT, VT, RT, UT, IR, ET
- ASNT Level III (ASNT Certification): MT, PT, VT, RT, UT, IR, ET
AWS Courses
- Certified Welding Inspector: CWI (Available)
- Certified Welding Engineer: CWEng
- Senior Certified Welding Inspector: SCWI
- Certified Radiographer: CR
- Certified Welders: CW
API Inspector Programs:
- API 510 (Pressure Vessels)
- API 653 (Pipping and pipelines)
- API 570 (Storage Tanks)
- API 580 (Risk Based Inspection)
- API 571 (Damaged Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment)
- API 1169 (Pipeline Construction Inspector)
- API 936 (Refractory Installation)
- API SIFE (Source Inspector Fixed Equipment