how it works
TWF Qualification and Certification System
WeldFA Qualification Board implements a complimentary personnel qualification and certification system to the international personnel qualification and certification system implemented by IIW-IAB. The objective is not to compete but to complement existing international frame work for personnel qualification and certification, addressing gaps specific to the African continent.

WeldFA is committed to constantly develop its system towards addressing burning concerns of African industries through a harmonized qualification and certification system for personnel that constantly evolves in line with technological advances and market needs.
WeldFA’s continuous commitment to the advances and sustained application for optimized industrial across the continent is executed through its member countries which are directly responsible for driving and implementing WeldFA’s personnel qualification and certification schemes with the main goal of supporting industry needs.

our vision
Be the vanguard network linking industry, research, education and policy makers towards contributing to the advancement of welding and joining science for a safer industrial Africa and the world
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